the reIm 100

Join us for the largest installation of the reimagining yet!

We are inviting you to come see the largest installation of the reImagining yet! Join us for a night of amazing art and the full scope of the reImagining project. Come out opening night Wednesday the 27th at 5:30pm at the Longwood Arts Gallery. See below for the full calendar of events celebrating this amazing exhibition!

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And so it has begun...


model #22 Ameria Lennard, hair and make up by Jose L. Lopez 

model #22 Ameria Lennard, hair and make up by Jose L. Lopez 

an outtake from the very first reImagining shoot! here's to the next 99! 

the reImagining..begins...with you!

I tried to wait for the newsletter.... 

....but I just had to tell you! The reImagining is going to party!!! Join us Friday, October 1th for a night of celebration and reflection on this groundbreaking visual arts project. Make sure to RSVP here! And please continue to support the launching of the project with your TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation by clicking here! Please spread the word and share this link with everyone you know and on all of your social networks - repeatedly! I am so looking forward to getting started - but first, let's party! See you all in October!