It's been a while since I blogged, but today I was literally moved to tears watching people come together to fight for the future of this country. Before I get to story of how I was almost bawling watching the young, the old, even the handicapped, march for their rights, I want to say thanks to the wonderful people at Art for Change for letting me know the May Day rally was happening. Seriously, I miss everything!
But back to the story.....The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the protesters were raising their voices in unity. Organizations represented workers' rights, immigrants' rights, women's rights, 3rd party political parties, and on and on and on, were out shouting to wake up the sleeping giant of the American middle class. Now what made little ole me cry? I have been waiting to see this moment for too long. The people are rising and fighting for their futures. Get out on the streets and join them! Below are some of the pics from the day and you can see the full portfolio here! THE PEOPLE UNITED WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED!
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