The reImagining Speaks: Model #12 CharLena Pearson-Fulcher

The reImagining Speaks is a video series that gives voice to the women lending their images to the reImagining. This series allows you to hear for yourself why this project is so important to me and these 100 women. Listen closely:


Who is CharLena Pearson-Fulcher?  I am a writer, performer, and entrepreneur.  All of those my the world of reality makes me a risk-taker. I’m a believer in divining what I want and then going after it, which in the so-called “real world” is defined as being risky.  I am an intelligent, driven, energetic, funny, loving, healthy, vivacious, prosperous and compassionate individual.  I have three new wedding books coming out this year and my competition, that I founded (the Wedding Cake Taste-Off) in 2011,  for the emerging baker will have a 2nd outing this year in Manhattan.  I feel blessed to be alive in this day and time and fully expect to take advantage of living in these times.